From the mid-80s to the late '90s, Alice the Bearcat cheered on UC athletics. In 2008, the zoo's Lucy the Bearcat assumed the role. [+]
Opened in 1973, the Tangeman University Center McDonald's was the first and largest collegiate store. This photo is from 1980. [+]
The world's first co-op program was the creation of UC's College of Engineering Dean Herman Schneider in 1906. [+]
At a mock-serious Class Day in 1916, seniors in graduation robes gathered with friends on the grassy lawn fronting Clifton Avenue. [+]
Small-sized copies of the famous lion statues found in Florence, Italy, Mick and Mack, have guarded McMicken Hall since 1904. [+]
The 50th anniversary celebration for cooperative education took place on campus in April 1956. [+]
Graduating in 1947 at the age of 16, Darwin T. Turner became the youngest person to earn his bachelor's degree at UC. [+]
Following WWII, hundreds of veterans enrolled at UC. Temporary housing and classrooms were known collectively as "Vetsville." [+]
Worldfest is an annual celebration of the growing number of cultures represented by students, researchers, staff and faculty. [+]
UC's golbal reach is exemplified by the work of archeologist Carl Blegen, who launched UC's 60-year excavation of Troy in the 1930s. [+]
Astronaut Neil Armstrong, first man to walk on the moon, taught aerospace engineering at UC from 1971-80. [+]
Around 1940, UC librarians used a card catalog retrieve books for patrons. The CCM Library now occupies this space in Blegen Hall. [+]
Building lifelong friendships has always been an unspoken tradition at UC.
1892 grad Joseph Strauss engineered and built the Golden Gate Bridge in the '30s, placing a brick from UC's original McMicken Hall in it. [+]
UC's finest player in history, Oscar Robertson (No. 12) set multiple scoring records that remain unbroken. [+]
William Howard Taft, 1880 alumnus and dean of the law school, was the only man to serve as both U.S. president and chief justice. [+]
Outstanding undergraduate women, adorned in white robes, carry an ivy chain to lead each commencement processional. [+]
The UC seal carries the 1819 founding date of the Cincinnati College and the Medical College of Ohio. [+]
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