Ouch. Just in case you thought gaining a few pounds around your waist was the worst thing to happen when you arrived at the University of Cincinnati, take a look at the 30 pounds many students lug across campus these days.
In Focus: College weight gane

Photo/Andrew Higley

Devon Spivey
Typical contents for Devon Spivey's book bag include: three hardbound textbooks (averaging 850 pages each), one spiral notebook, a loose-leaf notebook, a package of filler paper, five folders of class work, a listing of UC courses, a multi-function calculator, one pen, one mechanical pencil, eye glasses, a glass case, an address book, a set of dry-erase markers, a bottle of Advil, hand lotion, five diskettes, two Zip disks, plus the all-important personal CD player with mini-disks and headphones. Usually, the College of Applied Science junior has his lunch in there, too.
Spivey isn't too concerned that the Consumer Product Safety Commission estimates that 7,277 emergency room visits each year result from injuries related to backpacks. His mother, however, shakes her head.
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