Creating and Coping With Change

New academic study asks the hard questions
UC President Nancy Zimpher starts a comprehensive academic planning process.
The need to be market savvy
Coping with a revolutionary pace of change quite a new experience for academia.
The evolving UC classroom
Technology replaces the "sage on the stage," not only on campus but in UC "classrooms" around the globe.
Also, What do professors do with all that electronic gear?
Keeping up in a world of change
Society's immense changes are constant. UC pros talk about dealing with it, preparing for it and keeping up with it.
Also, Rate your stress
Bearcat band traditions
50th anniversary of charging the steps proves some things never change.
Also, UC band gets its first permanent home
The Cincinnati Bible War
Stories of segregation, slander and secularization, and how far is far enough for the separation of church and state?
Readers speak up
Cincinnati Horizons magazine presents readership survey results.
Ten Big East questions for AD Bob Goin
UC hires football coach Mark Dantonio
Letters to the Editor
Questions on UC's ranking, global co-op, real bearcats, steam power plant, OCAS birth date.
Cincinnati Horizons magazine wins IABC awards
Campus News
Early clues to breast cancer, growing well by growing plants, greening up the red planet, alumni on television
In Focus Photo Feature
The contents of a typical 30-pound backpack.
On Campus Yesterday
Alice the Bearcat, 1986