UC MagazineUniversity of CincinnatiUC Magazine

UC Magazine

Rate your stress

The Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS), developed by Dr. Thomas Holmes and Dr. Richard Rahe in 1967, is designed to measure the likelihood of stress-induced illness.

Studies indicate that stress weakens the immune system and decreases resistance to illnesses such as heart disease and ulcers.

To measure your stress, identify the events in the below list that you encountered over the last 12 months, then tally the Life Change Units.


Life Event


1. Death of a spouse

2. Divorce 73
3. Marital Separation 65
4. Jail Term 63
5. Death of a close family member 63
6. Personal injury or illness 53
7. Marriage 50
8. Fired at work 47
9. Marital reconciliation 45
10. Retirement 45
11. Change in health of family member 44
12. Pregnancy 40
13. Sex difficulties 39
14. Gain of new family member 39
15. Business readjustment 39
16. Change in financial state 38
17. Death of a close friend 37
18. Changing to a different line of work 36
19. Change in number of marital arguments 35
20. Mortgage over $10,000 31
21. Foreclosure of mortgage or loan 30
22. Change in responsibilities at work 29
23. Children leaving home 29
24. Trouble with in-laws 29
25. Outstanding personal achievement 28
26. Spouse begins or stops work 26
27. Starting or ending school 26
28. Change in living conditions 25
29. Revision of personal habits 24
30. Trouble with boss 23
31. Change in work hours or conditions 20
32. Change in residence 20
33. Change in schools 20
34. Change in recreational activities 19
35. Change in church activities 19
36. Change in social activities 18
37. Mortgage or loan under $10,000 17
38. Change in sleeping habits 16
39. Change in number of family gatherings 15
40. Change in eating habits 15
41. Vacation 13
42. Christmas 12
43. Minor violation of the law 11


0-149 minimal risk
150-199 mild risk
200-299 moderate risk
300+ severe risk