Phillip Holloman found his way to the top of his profession, but getting there required a leap from his comfort zone.
After graduating from UC with a degree in civil engineering in '78, Holloman took a position with Procter & Gamble, where he had co-oped as a student. "I was very fortunate to start my career in such a large company," he recalls. "There were a lot of places you could go in P&G, and it taught me at a relatively young age to keep my options open. I was also lucky to have the co-op experience under my belt -- it really helped to set myself apart from everyone else who was hoping to get hired."
Holloman made the most of his opportunity in the years that followed as a project manager at P&G, then at a number of other companies that held close working relationships with key P&G products. Over time, he gained additional responsibilities in the engineering and design divisions for a number of iconic brands, starting with disposable diapers.