Reality learning
One of the University of Cincinnati's most significant gifts to the world was cooperative education nearly 100 years ago. Not only has the co-op program grown and changed significantly since then, but it has also served as the inspiration and structural support needed to develop reality learning across the entire campus. UC is now poised to become a national leader in real-world education.

Engineering co-op Michael Alexander worked at three of the world's largest corporations while a student. Photo/Lonny Kalfus
Co-op model sets standard for rest of world
UC remains a global trendsetter in co-op a century after the founding of this practical form of education.
100 years of success
Dean Schneider's passion for improved technical education prepared UC students to dream and work beyond barriers.
Reality learning becoming UC's brand of education
UC students gain "real world" experience in courtrooms, newsrooms, dressing rooms -- all without co-op
Meet the new AD
New athletic director Mike Thomas discusses his philosophy.
Huggins' departure draws national response
The end of the Bob Huggins era draws comments from national sports columnists.
President's column
Reality learning and the innovation economy
In Focus Photo Feature
Summer archaeological dig in Cyprus
On Campus Yesterday
CCM prep department, 1967
Alumni Connection
Convocation, AA president, debit card benefits
Campus News
UC on History Channel, new buildings, NASA, $42 million, new dean
Letters to the Editor
Values issue, rankings, C-paw complaint, Sperti