UC Alert: Due to inclement weather, UC will close from 7 a.m. on Monday, Jan. 6, until 7 a.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 7.
Alumni memories and testimonials
Clark Beck, Eng '55, MS '69, Hon '03
Anyone who goes through a university gets far more in value than what they paid. Too few people appreciate the importance of staying involved and giving back. I'm indebted to my university, and one important way I express that is through this involvement. I enjoy being part of an organization that's really doing something, and that's the Alumni Association. So I take pride in my life membership.
I enjoy the camaraderie within the UC network, the chance to "belong." There's a group of alumni friends I wouldn't have if not for UCAA. I enjoy the social and athletics events, the chance to work with my college and dean, and even the university president, when they come to Dayton. I get to contribute in various ways that mean something to me and to the university.
Miriam Bernstein, A&S '78
Alumni are ambassadors, opinion leaders and subject-matter experts for our school; we need to be knowledgeable about it, then share that insight with others.
Being involved in the UC Alumni Association creates more cohesive family experiences as we support the university and the Bearcats. As children and grandchildren are engaged, our family becomes a greater part of the UC family.
Maybe the best benefit is how a lifelong UC network can spring up from our shared experiences. Through the Alumni Association, we can easily interact with our fellow alumni in a meaningful way. We can find sources of counsel and advice, help other alumni advance in life, find common references beyond our great UC educations. We quickly realize that going to UC, even in different eras, creates a bond that makes our lives more rewarding.
Linda Gervers-Conour, A&S '88
My first exposure to the Alumni Association happened before I even started college. The summer after I graduated from Walnut Hills High School, I was invited to an event hosted by UCAA, Office of Admissions and Cincinnatus Society. I hadn't opened a single college textbook or attended a class, yet I was already being warmly welcomed in a place where all students and alumni can feel at home - the Alumni Center.
After I graduated and moved away for about six years, the Alumni Association was still there, reaching out and inviting me to various alumni events in Pittsburgh, Indianapolis and even when I was visiting one of my sisters in Chicago. The connection was still there - that common bond and desire to display Bearcat Pride no matter where we lived was strongly encouraged by our Alumni Association.
All in all, I see UCAA as the center of the circle of UC graduates near and far, connecting them and keeping them close to that place they once called home.
Owen Waske, Bus '97
What will set UC apart in the future is how far we as alumni dare to take it. The more involved we stay, the richer our degrees and experiences will be throughout our lives. We should support our UC Alumni Association: Start a new co-op at our companies. Volunteer to mentor a student. Network through 'inCircle,' the free online community for UC alumni. Buy tickets and support Bearcat athletics. Help bring Big East championships to Cincinnati.
The possibilities are endless.
Dave Watkins, A&S '92
Being so far away from Cincinnati, it would be easy to lose touch with UC. But being a UC Alumni Association member has made it easy for me to stay connected. I've reunited with old friends I didn't even know lived in Chicago (sometimes a few blocks away). I've developed new friendships and look forward to seeing many of these fellow alumni at the same events each year. It's easy to make these friendships. All I have to do is mention having a beer in the Rhine Room, trying to drop/add a class, hanging out on the bridge or discussing the best way to order Skyline. I don't have to explain what a Bearcat is, and they know about co-op and Graeter's ice cream.
I especially like the 'inCircle' online community as a way to keep in touch. And alumni e-mail forwarding means I'll never have to ask someone to change my e-mail in their address book. They can always reach me at my UC e-mail. I also have a place to call home when I go back to campus. It's changed so much since I graduated, yet there's always a friendly face at the Alumni Association, even if I've never met the person before. They really make me feel welcome at my university.
Ben Hines, Bus '06
Beyond my own efforts to keep in contact with friends and catch games on TV, the UC Alumni Association provides very practical means of staying intimately involved and serving the UC community. I'm blessed with the opportunity to assist the UC alumni network in my new home, Washington, D.C. This helps me better understand how and why UCAA fosters a strong UC community. After all, why leave the 'best days of your life' in Clifton? Being part of the Alumni Association helps those memories and relationships live on, no matter where you are.
Ryan Vose, Eng '08
As an undergrad in the Student Alumni Council, I can interact with alumni while growing my leadership abilities. The UCAA actively supports many campus initiatives, including a recent freshman leadership camp that I was able to lead. It's very important for me to stay connected to this campus and my friends, and by joining the Alumni Association I'll be able to do so. To me, being a part of the Alumni Association is a privilege awaiting us after working hard to earn a degree at the University of Cincinnati.
Sarah Knight, DAAP '06
It's always been helpful in my life to look toward the future while never forgetting "I am what I am" because of the past. I guess the same thing can be said for the UC Alumni Association. Although I didn't really discover UCAA until my third year at UC, it will certainly affect the rest of my life.
My most memorable moments were the 50th reunion weekends. Hearing those alumni share their experiences and wisdom was priceless. Gaining perspective on UC life during war, peace, significant moments in history - and no campus construction! - is a reality check on how our era will impact students 50 years from today.
Yet the best part was experiencing their pride and enthusiasm for UC. It hasn't diminished one bit, and now I can't wait to come back to UC at my 50th reunion and share that same sense of pride and enthusiasm with students.
Nancy Hamant, Ed '57, MEd '61, PhD (Ed) '67
The alumni and, therefore, the Alumni Association are the only constants in the ever-changing university. The UCAA offers alumni a role in the university over time. Programs of interest keep members informed, and events bring alumni together to celebrate the old and the new. Because we, more than any other group, know the history of the university, we can be useful to UC as change is contemplated. Because the UCAA represents the entire alumni group, we have a special voice that the institution cannot afford to ignore.