Alumni dream jobs
Despite the intrinsic value of education, alumni ultimately hope degrees will lead to dream jobs. Many of them have, and the range of occupations is rich -- coaching a national championship team, acting in movies, designing "Star Wars" toys or David Copperfield illusions, dancing for the New York Knicks, heading multi-billion-dollar corporations or playing "Taps" in Arlington National Cemetery. These are stories of how UC degrees have changed lives.

Natalie Bradshaw belts out a song during a CCM original showcase in New York before agents and casting directors. Photo/Andrew Higley
UC alumni talk about life as rising Hollywood stars -- including Diana Maria Riva, Phil Solomon, Cooper Thornton
DAAP alum designed original "Star Wars" toys Jim Swearingen
Alum wins 2007 national championship Urban Meyer
David Copperfield's designer: Homer Liwag
Running Radio Disney: Jill Casagrande
VP at Paramount Studios: Tom Bruehl
Dancing for NY Knicks: Erika Hamilton
Guarding African human rights: Tracy Dexter
Caring for Appalachia's poor: Bryan Byrd
Building Old World pipe organs: John Brombaugh
Trumpeter honors heroes: Jason Sanders
35 years since Title IX
Letters to the Editor
Tenure, faculty stories, sports
Campus News
Rankings, medical gains, emergency plan
President's view
Alumni commencement speakers
On Campus Yesterday
1990: Hollywood alumni in CCM play
Alumni Connection
100th anniversary of UCAA
Proudly Cincinnati
Alumni Masters, meet student callers