Letters to the Editor

Poncho Noggler gained two more years at home with his family thanks to the cancer treatment he received at UC. He passed away in March 2018. photo/Colleen Kelley
Editor’s note: Last issue we shared a cover story about Poncho Noggler, who received treatment at UC for his invasive head and neck cancer. Noggler passed away after complications with pneumonia on March 4, 2018. His wife Peggy says that he still “beat cancer” and is a true success story — an example of the great things that UC is doing for patients who are battling the toughest of illnesses. The immunotherapy allowed him to have two more years with his loving family, and for that, she is grateful.
Poncho was one-of-a-kind, and we all miss him greatly. Thank you for such a touching article. As you know, he and Peggy are very special people.
Susan Trammel, former coworker
Blue Ash, Ohio

Connecting with Tori’s story

Tori Thomas in her cap and gown, poses with her mom Melissa Caldwell on campus. photo/Joseph Fuqua II/UC Creative Services
I was touched by your story “Race against time” in the April issue [Last Word.] My condolences to Ms. Caldwell and the family on their loss.
Her story reminded me of my mother, Phyllis Binik-Thomas, who attended DAAP, A&S and UC Blue Ash. Many times my mother worked toward a degree, but life got in the way, generally the family — her boys, Aaron and me.
She always valued education. She was an educator by trade. A nationally renowned storyteller and artist. An inspiration to many.
She decided to return to school, seminary, a few years ago. Her studies were delayed by an unexpected cancer diagnosis. She fought cancer and she focused on her studies. Finally earning her coveted degree, ordained a Maggid with just weeks to go. I am profoundly proud of her and her accomplishments. I miss her dearly.
May Tori’s name, and Phyllis’ name, be a blessing and inspire acts of kindness.
Justin Binik Thomas, Bus ’02, A&S ’04
Monroe, Ohio
‘Knocked my socks off’
I don’t normally reach out about an issue of a magazine, but, really, your University of Cincinnati Magazine of April is truly amazing. I’ve already finished reading it, and it just arrived today.
I was absolutely astounded. The amazing things you’ve revealed in this magazine — the interesting articles, the excellent writing and the wonderful photography — I can’t say enough in the magazine’s favor.
I got my degree at CCM, a master’s in voice in 1985. My wife, Cecilia (Harris), also has a master’s from CCM in violin. We are very proud of our alma mater. Both Cecilia and I greatly value our time at CCM. The professors were excellent. We very much appreciate the work the university has done at the conservatory and in the community.
Thank you again for this issue. It just knocked my socks off, and it makes us proud to be alumni of the University of Cincinnati.
Erik Johnson, M (CCM) ’85
Toledo, Ohio
‘Truly stunning’

UC graduate Megan Sullivan stands with her mother, Ann Sullivan. Megan’s clothing line, With Grace B. Bold, was inspired by Ann’s battle with breast cancer. photo/Andrew Higley/UC Creative Services
I just wanted to formally thank you for the absolutely beautiful spread in the recent edition of UC Magazine, telling the story of my mom and With Grace B. Bold’s journey. This article was truly stunning, from the storytelling, to the photography, to the elegant touches — like the writing from the journal overlayed on the images.
Everything about this is a wonderful tribute to my mom’s experiences, as well as the last few years it’s taken to shape this brand. My mentor was delighted to be mentioned, and my mom was in tears when she saw the photos of us. Truly, remarkably done!
From the bottom of our hearts, thank you. I hope to stay in touch as my brand progresses.
Megan Sullivan, DAAP ’15, M (DAAP) ’16
‘Most inspiring’
The issue was one of the most inspiring I have ever seen. Keep up the good work.
David Moss, DAAP ’64
Lakewood Ranch, Florida
Constructive criticism
As an alumnus of UC (chemical engineering ’57), I enjoy reading about UC's current research and other activities. Hence, my extreme disappointment with the latest issue of UC Magazine. The magazine was colorful, and its cover was tantalizing. However, the text was unreadable. The use of gray inks and transparent green inks, coupled with the 6 to 8 point fonts made it nearly impossible to read.
The purpose of writing is to convey information, not to amaze with how pretty the pages appear. I suggest that you get back to the basics and focus on the real purpose of producing this magazine. I would also suggest that you consider publishing a web version/pdf file that users could adjust to make more visible.
John Church, ChE ’57
Aiken, South Carolina
Editor’s note: Readers have always had the opportunity to read an issue or past issues online, which includes a pdf format (where the pages can be enlarged). Just go to the UC Magazine homepage (www.magazine.uc.edu) and click on “Latest Magazine” or “Past Issues” in the upper right corner. You will be able to select an issue as a pdf when you click “View magazine design as it appeared in print.”
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