Open for Business
A look at the ways corporate and academic worlds intersect, many of which affect our day-to-day lives.

Professor Andrew Steckl holds a device that he expects will lead to higher quality screens for laptop computers. Photo/Lisa Ventre
Famous D.C. attorney on campus
Celebrity lawyer Billy Martin named new Distinguished Law Alumnus.
Nature was kind and a business was born
Professor Andrew Steckl's invention spurs upstart
Change how you shop
Students' idea could revolutionize grocery store shopping.
Better than the Ivy League
Bright business students snare great jobs as UC's first Honors-PLUS graduates.
Music can coax you to shop
Professor James Kellaris reseaches the effects of music on shoppers.
Rotten design limits technology
Leading 3-D graphics scientist Bill Buxton shares comments and his personal vision of the future.
UC's world business leaders
Alumni who head public companies with more than $150 million in sales
More than sandcastles
Mark Hutker designs homes on Martha's Vineyard that earn national acclaim
The Natural
Alum Drew Weber may own the most successful losing baseball team in America.
The Battle of Ohio
OSU Buckeyes face the UC Bearcats in Paul Brown Stadium.
University of Cincinnati Horizons wins awards
Campus News
Ben Stein, WWII vet gets diploma, membranes rock, Greeks play.
On Campus Yesterday
Fire destroys four floats, c. 1956.