Horizons magazine encourages readers to submit letters. Letters submitted online may be considered for publication here and in the print edition of the magazine.
Letters to the Editor

Experts popular
Thanks for another superb issue. I was particularly interested in the items on Doug Cramer, pictured before the abstract by Jim Dine, and on Tony Trabert. Before going to UC I knew all three at Walnut Hills High School. As an eighth-grader, I was manager (aka water boy) for the Eagles basketball team on which Tony played guard.
Robert Felix, A&S '56, JD '59
Prof. Robert L. Felix, USC School of Law
Columbia, S.C.
It was great to read the advice of a contemporary art collector. I do agree with Douglas Cramer. I have been trying to find a forum to discuss with contemporary art collectors or keen followers of what is happening on the art scene today.
Roger Gustafasson
Espoo, Finland, Europe
I found the entire magazine to be a gold mine of wisdom from some incredibly amazing graduates, and I am blessed to be among the 33 chosen to represent our school ["How to Beat the Odds"]. I felt very honored to share my wisdom, gained through tough challenges, with others who may hopefully benefit.
Stacy James, A&S '93
Ms. Wheelchair Ohio 2002
Dublin, Ohio
Congratulations on the May issue. You did a magnificent piece of research and artistry in featuring 33 alumni in one issue. What a task ... and done with great expertise and sensitivity. I am deeply honored to have been included along with such illustrious colleagues.
Sister Mary Louis (Charlene) Russley, Ed '58
River Forest, Ill.
I thought your "Ask an Expert" issue was a great idea and well done. I read it all, which is something I rarely get to do with other alumni mags.
Lynne Bonenberger
Editor, Ohio State Alumni Magazine
Wrong name
I really liked the last issue of "Horizons" and not just because it featured an article on me ["How to Dance Like Cinderella Without the Glass Slippers"]. It was a great idea, and the size and variety of the articles make for a very readable, informative and entertaining experience.
There is one piece of errata, though. My mentor is/was Elizabeth Aldrich, not Susan Aldrich.
Steve Percer, Ed '77

In 1947, drum major Don Poynter, BusAd '49, at his best -- twirling a pair of flaming batons while dressed in Indian outfit for the Thanksgiving game against Miami University.
‘Will never forget'
Having resided and attended school within a two-block radius from birth through college (1936-59), I have many memories of UC: In the 1940s, of delivering newspapers to the WWII veterans in the "Vetsville" barracks, easily recognized in the novel "Reinhart in Love" by UC grad Thomas Berger. And in the '50s, of the famous athletes: Tony Trabert, who spoke at freshman orientation accompanied by his new bride (Miss Australia); Sandy Koufax, with the most frightening fastball I had ever seen and on the freshman basketball team; Jack Twyman, UC basketball's kindest great player; and Oscar, of course. There were many individual great moments, too, as when Al Armstrong, a 7-foot-tall sub, threw a full-court pass, which to his embarrassment, went through the hoop.
But the most memorable feat I ever witnessed in Nippert Stadium was at halftime when drum major Don Poynter ["Ways to Get Serious About Being Silly"] went the entire length of the field twirling and tossing three batons, then tossing them simultaneously over the goal post and catching them all ... while riding a unicycle. He tried to repeat the feat after the game for newspaper photographers and couldn't. While this happened more than five decades ago, I will never forget it.
Carl Schmidt, Eng '59
Viewing campus online
I just visited the "Hard Hat Viewing Area" of "Horizons Online." I have not been there in 40 years, but the campus is really something else. Thanks.
Carole Moore, Ed '59
Colonial Heights, Va.
Humming along
I was perusing "Horizons Online" and came across assistant editor Mary Niehaus' charming "bio" page. I just wanted to say that it was quite a pick-me-up -- very clever with a quaint taste of personality. And yes, I caught myself actually humming.
Becky Topmiller
Program Administrator
UC's Obesity Research Center
Editor's note: Mary wrote her bio to the melody of "My Favorite Things."
Poor choice
I've enjoyed reading "Horizons" for years; however, I think the mention of the UC coed in Playboy, as well as the nudist camp owner, don't belong in such a publication. I fail to see how this news reflects positively on the university.
Frank Barton, A&S '59
Walnut Creek, Calif.

Recalling Griffey Jr.
Nice Web site. I began communicating with Brian Goldberg ["Looking Out For No. 1"] back in 1996 concerning the bronze sculpture I did of Ken Griffey Jr. after his wonderful season in 1995 in Seattle. He continues to be very responsive and thoughtful, and I have really appreciated the opportunity he has allowed me in his busy schedule.
Junior still has many friends in the Seattle area that fully understand why he left. We miss him of course but that's business.
I'm enclosing a picture of Junior in his famous home run swing. I thought you would be interested.
Roy Peratrovich Jr.
Artist, owner of Ravenworks Art Studio
Bainbridge Island, Wash.
Anti-thug idea
Here's a thought, and excuse me if I bring up basketball, but since I live in Milwaukee (Marquette), I get a lot of stuff about the UC "thugs." Yes, a few of the guys went astray, but many have done good things and are living positive lives. Who are they and what are they doing now? While those kinds of stories are overdone generally, I would love to see an article with this approach.
Keep up the very nice work.
Dick Schwab, BusAd '61
Milwaukee, Wis.
Editor's note: Associate editor John Bach has been considering such a story and asks readers to submit names of UC athletes that they think would work well for the piece. His address is John.Bach@UC.edu.
Castellini remembered
Last week, Cincinnati newspapers noted the passing of Dr. John Castellini. I had not known until then that Dr. Castellini [class of '28] had graduated from UC and from the Cincinnati Conservatory. As the obituaries mentioned, he had taught for many years at Queens College of New York's City University and directed the college's choral society.
As a Queens undergraduate, I was a member of the society for two years. Dr. Castellini was an extraordinarily able conductor, dedicated to achieving a high level of performance from the groups he led. In many ways, he greatly enriched the music program at Queens.
The many students who sang with him, including myself, will always remember him warmly. He was truly a distinguished Cincinnati alumnus.
Herbert Shapiro
UC Professor Emeritus
Department of History
The ‘park' in parking
I recently enjoyed reading "Horizons." It is quite nice and a joy to review.
A comment on the letter regarding campus appearance: One of the deep criticisms I have of our wonderful country is the relative lack of appreciation of its beauty. We do have some wonderful areas of beauty, but European cities certainly have it all over the United States in this area. Their parks are used and maintained far more and better than ours, and anything done for this purpose on campus is worth the loss of a few parking spaces.
I love the campus now and encourage this attitude.
Raymond Timmerman, A&S '47, MD '51
Ft. Thomas, Ky.
Letters to the editor policy
Letters to the editor must relate to the university, be signed and include addresses, colleges and years of graduation, when applicable. The editor reserves the right to edit letters for length, clarity or factual accuracy and to reject letters of unsuitable content. Letters may not criticize other letter writers. Opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Cincinnati.