Jucker scores again
Thanks for your extensive article about Ed Jucker and University of Cincinnati baseball over the years ["UC's Baseball Statesmen Return" and "Koufax Reunites With Coach Jucker," May 2000]. It was much fun reading the history.
Your file on Juck must not be complete since your article doesn't mention his playing time for the Cats back in the '30s. I've included a shot of the 1939 team of which Ed was captain, I believe.
Also, your mention of the team bus driver was very enlightening because it must be an inherited problem of our drivers. We had a real wild man known as Baldy Kyle drive our 1932 Ford B model bus, which he did with reckless abandon.
I hope some day you might do a piece on Scotty Kolp who was the legendary trainer of the athletics department, had been a professional boxer in the featherweight division and was loved by all the guys he helped condition.
PS: I can't quite understand the quote about "building a better baseball facility." Bench field looks like heaven compared to what we once had.
Milt Strasser, A&S '40
Troy, Ohio
What a pleasant surprise to receive the magazines with your sports article in it. I thoroughly enjoyed reliving the emotional weekend at the University of Cincinnati, and your article highlighted the main events. Spending two days with Sandy Koufax was an added thrill.
Ed Jucker, Ed '40
Okatie, S.C.
I think you did a great job in this last "Horizons" issue. Everyone I've spoken to commented how great it was, not only a great affair, but the write-up was fantastic. I just spoke with Ed Jucker just a couple minutes ago. He was overly pleased with it. You really did a great job. I'm proud of you, and thank you so much.
Ike Misali, BusAd '55, MBA '63
Former Bearcat baseball captain
Your article was very well written. It was a great weekend of festivities for Coach Ed Jucker. The athletic department and Ike Misali [former team captain] did an outstanding job planning and organizing the kickoff for the Ed Jucker Endowment fund.
Danny Gilbert, BusAd '58
Minford, Ohio
Ratings won't die
Though I did not see your article on university ratings, I read with great interest the letters ["Editorial Missed Mark"] written to you and published in your May 2000 issue.
Based on my experience at the College of Engineering Department of Chemical Engineering, I would have to rate the University of Cincinnati way down at the bottom of the list. There were three experiences that brought me to this conclusion.
In a junior-year course in electro chemistry, I got a conditional grade. I got some off-campus instruction, found the material quite easy and passed the conditional removal exam with a grade of 95 percent.
After graduating engineering day school, I took night school courses in liberal arts. There I found what really high-level instruction was. My night school teachers were excellent.
However, it was only after undertaking some teaching myself that I fully realized how poor the instruction in the College of Engineering had been.
Ted Isaacs, Eng '36, Eve '44
Mistakes still haunt
After all your apologies concerning errors in the last issue, I hate to bring the following to your attention, but William Shakespeare's name does, indeed, include an "e" at the end, despite your caption on page 33. (Unless, of course, the Globe Theatre to which you refer belonged to a different Shakespear.) Cheers.
Terrell Finney
Head, CCM Division of Opera, Musical Theater, Drama and Arts Administration
Editor's reply: Oh, "what's in a name?" -- as the Bard himself would say. Embarrassment, that's what!
It did win
I read with great interest the article "It's Not About Winning" [January 2000, in print only] about the athletes at the University of Cincinnati and their community involvement. It was great. I have been looking for articles like this and have even spoken to Bill Walker, the UC chief athletic trainer, to see what could be done to paint a much better image of UC's athletes in our city. I have always believed that they were good guys (at least most are) and we need to sing their praises more often.
I wish this article would run in the local papers, as well. Most Cincinnatians will not see this article and need to. These guys need some positive press as does the entire sports program. It is a terrific mission.
Thanks for all you do for UC and "Horizons."
Sharry (Patterson) Addison, Ed '61
Credit due more alumni
The "Blame UC" article in January 2000 was interesting for several reasons. We recognized several names and their contributions to our lives.
Our mom, Dorothy Miller Fuentes, A&S '26, Ed '27, kept the UC diaries and her notes about her experiences there. She went on to teach for 30 years in the Cincinnati Public Schools.
Our dad, Daniel Fuentes, Eng '26, came to the university from Chile, South America. He was drawn here particularly by the co-op program. Once a part of Champion Paper, he stayed there for 22 years.
In May 1941, he was part of a team that developed the paper milk carton. One of the challenges to overcome was how to sterilize it. Unlike glass, you cannot boil paper, so they simply boiled the wax that coated the inside of the carton.
On Feb. 8, 1942, Hamilton [Ohio] went on a two-hour time difference than Cincinnati. The purpose was to spread out peak times of using electricity, but it also forced a choice between family life and work schedules, so our dad left Champion and took a job with George Sperti, Eng '23 [mentioned in the "Horizons" article].
At that time, he worked on their burn ointment product. The ingredient that accelerated the healing of damaged tissue also caused yeast spore problems on the wooden mixing paddles. At our dad's suggestion, they switched from wood to metal paddles.
Also, during World War II, he sent an idea of using crystals to improve bomb sights to the Navy. He received a letter of thanks as it was put into practice. Both of our parents recognized UC for its contribution to their lives. In turn, they were instrumental in our choice to come to UC, too.
Carmela Fuentes Werner, A&S '63
Elena Fuentes Stothfang, Ed '68