WWII nursing students
I especially enjoyed reading "Answering the Call" in the April magazine about the Uninversity of Cincinnati’s 25th General Hospital for the Army.
In 1944, I and about 70 other girls entered the College of Nursing and Health. Most of us were members of the Army’s Cadet Nurse Corps, the Army’s attempt to recruit nursing students for the war effort. Since almost all the RNs had left Cincinnati General Hospital, members of the class of 1947 were used to staff the wards. Also, some of the nurse faculty were gone, and we were taught anatomy and chemistry by medical college professors.
I was one of the first in my class to work night duty on the busy male surgical floor B1--an experience I will never forget. Needless to say, our class received a very intense education. About half of the entering students graduated in 1947. I have many special memories of those days and will always be glad I was there.
Glenice DeWees Anderson, Nur ‘49
Santa Rosa, Calif.