The Power of Place
"You guys have done the opposite of the Joni Mitchell song; you took a paved parking lot and put up a paradise." So said a visitor after touring UC's campus recently. This issue of the magazine showcases that paradise through photographs -- artistic endeavors from a new book, as well as archival photos that show how students have loved UC through the decades. We also discuss the ramifications of the new look beyond basic aesthetics. Discover why we call it the "power of place."

Leading the MainStreet parade is UC President Nancy Zimpher and the Bearcat. Photo/Lisa Ventre
Measuring the human impact of UC's architectural renaissance
Image Gallery: UC's renaissance has changed the culture on campus.
Developing UC's virtual 'sense of place'
UC has developed a new digital landscape as well.
UC's three-year photo shoot
Photographer Bob Flischel's journey to capture the essence of campus.
Campus life then and now
Much has changed, but a great deal has also remained the same.
Campus tours popular
Tourism mentality brings sightseers to UC.
UC alums strive for an Olympic berth
Letters to the Editor
MainStreet, Sperti and civil rights
Campus News
Breakthroughs, rankings, world record
President's view
Creating a 'sense of place'
In Focus Photo Feature
Cincinnati Observatory just after dawn
On Campus Yesterday
Campus McDonald's in 1980
Alumni Connection
Student Alumni Council, inCircle
Proudly Cincinnati
$10 million gift to Pharmacy from James Winkle